"Ben and David" a 2022 theater project

During 2021 and 2022 I had the pleasure and honour of working together with Nicolaas Cottenie and Georg Brinkmann on their children’s musical «Ben & David». Many thanks to both them and Internationales Klezmer Festival Fürth for giving me such an opportunity to express myself as a theater artist. For this project I made 8 pictures, corresponding to vital backdrops in the story, which were projected on a screen as a background during the performance.

Prologue: A Romanian Shtetl
Scene 1: Shtetl marketplace
Scene 2: Shul
Scene 3: A rainy evening on the main square
Scene 4: The Rabbi’s house porch
Scene 5: Shabbos in the Klezmer household
Scene 6: Shabbos in the Rabbi household
Scene 7: Bar mitzvah
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